Sunday, December 16, 2007
Numb to Christmas this year...
This year it's different. I'm pretty much near indifferent. It could be because, by and large, the television remains off and I rarely listen to the radio. It's a lot easier to tune out Internet advertising with pop-up blockers and whatnot. I canceled my newspaper subscription because I didn't feel like dealing with twenty pounds of ads. I'm relatively insulated from the barrage of advertising. Perhaps the only real reminder is all the crap in the stores and the traffic. I went out for Saturday morning coffee the day after Black Friday and turned around and came home before even getting into the parking lot.
I'm not a Scrooge. No, that requires too much emotional import. I've become more of a hermit. I can't say I'm sagelike as there is no "spiritual" meaning behind what I'm doing. I'm not anti-Christmas, anti-consumer, anti-commercialism. That takes too much work. I'm just doing my best to ignore it all.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the family time and there is a certain amount of peace and nostalgia that surrounds the season. There is joy to be found.
But even church can be annoying in this regard, hocking their wares, calling it Jesus' birthday rather than Christmas, the obligatory manger scenes plastered all over town in their various degrees of plasticity (we have one nursing home that actually brings in a live camel) and those well meaning Christians who fight every year to keep the 'Christ' in Christmas.
Jesus wouldn't care. He was Jewish.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Been a while...
Part of the reason is that I have become disinterested in spiritual debate. Too much Zen perhaps? It simply doesn't interest me right now. I'm currently "translating" the Dao De Jing, something I've dabbled in for well over ten years now. I put together a spiral bound version that contains six or seven of the more popular translations per each of the 81 chapter headings. It's a couple hundred pages thick. It's a nice instant reference but it isn't as good as taking the time to try and understand the Chinese original.
I can't speak Chinese. I know enough about Chinese to find characters in a dictionary and some of the more common characters I can recognize and sometimes recall some definitions. So I have a functional knowledge of the language. I understand radicals and how characters combine to make other characters. As I continue "translating" based on working with the Chinese my knowledge gets a little deeper and I see how the other translations came to be.
So lately my focus has been on the Dao De Jing. As I continue to work on it, I continue to see its truths operating around me. It isn't a mystical book at all, something escapist, revealing some esoteric truths. It's quite earthy. Anything "esoteric" truths are only so in their obviousness. As the DDJ notes, people prefer the byways. Yet what is obvious is right in front of us and can seem quite awe inspiring because it has been there all along.
So those who tend to romanticize or exoticize "eastern" religions do so in an escapist fashion. In other words, doing this is an act of self not necessarily something inherent in the religious tradition. Even the Biblical faith works this way. The deeper into it one goes, the more one should realize that it is quite practical, quite earthy and, thus, deep. It is not some "out there" religious mysticism. No, mysticism, its mystery, is in its application in the real world, not in being deep or some guru-like being.
So where am I today? Quite here and now. Drinking my ridiculously large Boo Koo energy drink, typing away on a blog that no one reads, listening to some really interesting music through my iPod Shuffle connected to some Bose Triport headphones while at work at 5:15 a.m. How is this a spiritual act? Maybe it's the caffeine but it seems that lately all of life has been infused with a spirituality I've not noticed before. It isn't anything soul shaking or mind bending. It just kind of is. It is this is-ness that is the essence of spirituality, reality as it is. Stand back and look at it. See it for what it is. Don't label it, don't try to read into it, don't try to bend it to your own sense of understanding. Just bask in it.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Abandoned buildings...
Labor Day weekend. Rode my bike down to the river. This is not the park, mind you. Too busy. Too many people. No privacy. No, this is down into the former steel mill properties, where remnants of the former industrial heyday still remain, mostly buried, mostly hidden. Across the bridge, down the small industrial road, following the tracks left by off-road vehicles. These are not hidden spots, just not frequented by masses of people. Locals know of these spots but even then they are not regular hang-outs. There are always remains of visitors, usually beer or soda cans, sometimes remnants of a fire pit, often clothing or shoes (though these sometimes wash downriver and end up on shore), but always some indication that this is not virgin territory.
As I've never been there, the thrill of discovery spurs me on, my bike providing much more freedom than an auto which attracts way too much attention. I bike is more innocuous and is easier to hide, thus providing the freedom of not having to return to a car. A bicycle cannot be easily traced. So the paths lead me down to an abandoned, rusting, hulk of a railroad bridge, covered in vines, trees cloaking much of its frame, a black colored rust its primary color. Further on down I find nature in full splendor, a gurgling river, geese and butterflies, plenty of rocks aligning the shore, allowing me to sit and take it in, the sun beating down warmly on my body.
It's a spiritual catharsis as I know I won't be bothered. No one will be coming down here so the thought doesn't enter my mind. I can let go. The difficulty comes in attempting to be still. I don't have a camera so the tendency to move and snap lots of pictures isn't present. It is thus easier to remain still. And it takes a while. It takes time. I still feel the need to go, to move, to explore, to avoid sitting still. There's a part of me that feels this whole activity is forced, that it's all a ploy, that I really want to take photos and be given attention for my "discovery" of the beauty in the ruins, that somehow I still need validation for these activities.
Yet there is a part of me that thrives in the isolation, that longs to be there and stay, away from people, away from the daily grind, away from responsibility, away from the havoc that men bring upon the earth (a havoc, I myself would inevitably do were I to stay). I bask in the silence.
But the catharsis comes. I feel it. And it comes in this most unusual spot. It isn't church, it isn't a designated park, a space where we are confined to remain within the trails. It's a bit more raw, less restricted and, I suppose, there is a trace of rebellion (though that isn't really my motive). I don't even fear being caught trespassing. I revel in the freedom the bike brings, the freedom in the power to move my bicycle, the freedom of the wind in my face, the freedom of the space, the freedom of nature, the freedom of being hidden from the rest of the world, no eyes watching, no signs posted, no rules to be enforced. It opens the door to the 'emptiness' that enables a spiritual encounter.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Spiritual dry spell?
I've lost the drive for knowledge though I am still passionate about learning. I don't desire to be deep anymore nor do I long for a spiritual high. You might say I've become quite earthy. I'm not interested in saving souls though it doesn't mean I don't care for people.
I have simply found that so much of what passes for the Christian message is nothing short of a multi-level marketing plan, a pyramid scheme, slick marketing, the essentials compacted into a slogan, parsed to fit onto a t-shirt. The idea of 'saving souls' sound like a career occupation, one where you obtain degrees, awards, certificates and notches on a belt with a 401(k) retirement plan in tow (often in the form of a book deal).
When we start seeing minister hocking commercial wares on television, as celebrity endorsements, we'll know the end is near. After all, we've got preacher superstars who draw thousands upon thousands to their shows, er, events, er services. Book deals, fancy cars, fancy clothes, huuuuuge churches, thousands traveling the country like following the Dead, abandoning the smaller churches for the Big Top.
I used to fall prey to the same thing only my response was rebellion, criticism, judgment. Yet the fuel was still that which I criticized. I have simply tired of it. So I am pretty much living the quiet life, seeking to truly be in the world but not of it, to learn to eat with the sinners and the wine bibbers, to be a true friend, not a saint, to be found in the form of a servant and not grasp at equality with God.
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Wayne Dyer and the Dao De Jing...
I think I just tire of the guru thing, this cult of celebrity in the self-help and even in the Christian world. Come to think of it, the cult of celebrity is everywhere. Alan Watts was a celebrity and his fans flocked to him, his little haunt in Caliornia the 'in' thing to do spiritually. Hell, even they way Jesus is presented today he frequently resembles a superhero more than a saviour. Or he's turned into some kind of a guru where he begins to look like - you guessed it - the individual (or group) promoting Jesus' guru status.
Jesus is antihero/antiguru if we really read the accounts of his life in the New Testament.
When spirituality, whatever form, becomes hip it ceases to be relevant.
"When everyone knows good as good, this is not good." (DDJ, 2, Cleary translation)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Irony and Textual Argument...
What is irony? Well, to take off from Alanis' song, a man in fear of flying whose plane crashes on his first flight isn't irony. Irony would be a man afraid of flying choosing instead the safer route of driving who is killed by a plane crashing onto his car. Perhaps it is ironic that the lyrics in Alanis' song aren't ironic.
Another example of irony centers around the KLF. If anyone is familiar with their relatively brief but bright history, they might remember that the KLF (initials which stand for Kopyright Liberation Front, among others) were at the forefront of the copyright issue that is so explosive today. They borrowed stuff unapologetically beginning sometime circa 1987, though it was ultimately not without consequence. Their 'Chill Out' mix is a classic.
The irony is that in an effort to be subversive they became as popular as the artists and industry they were seeking to subvert. Is the irony that they became famous and became victims of the very same thing which they were doing? Is it irony if it is intentional? They set out to make a popular (in the basest meaning of the word) record by using a basic beat and really over the top meaningless lyrics sung sincerely, most blatantly in their use of Tammy Wynette for vocals. They succeeded. So is it ironic that they ripped other peoples' stuff off and here we are, twenty years, later, ripping off their stuff online? Or is that simply karma? Or were they prophetic?
Anyhow, people will fight over what the Bible says by quoting the King James Version of the Bible and then breaking down the English meaning of the word. But they are one step removed from the Old English usage of the word from which the KJV came and another step removed from the original Greek/Hebrew. So we are two steps removed from the original use of the word. Worse is when someone will argue from, say, the New Living Translation (which is but a paraphrase/interpretation moreso than a translation) and we are yet one more step removed. So we begin arguing over, quite literally, nothing, at least nothing in the sense that we are not fighting over what we think we are fighting over.
As time goes on, we begin to quote authors not close to the source but those who came later. And later. And later. I suppose that is why I will trace footnotes back to older and older sources in order to read what the original authors wrote. If I'm going to quote a recent author/scholar and am unfamiliar with his/her sources, how can I really understand what he/she is saying? There is nothing worse than arguing a point that isn't the point being made at all.
So where is the irony in this post? Probably that I am using so many words to argue about not arguing over words.
Theism and Daoism...
It is in this construct where both Theism and Daoism coalesce because we are moving out of the realm of ideas and imagery and into the real the New Testament calls the light that no man can approach and what the DDJ calls the gateway of marvels, the entrance into the mystery.
Perhaps at this Planckish point it doesn't matter. Perhaps what matters is the path leading up to this point. Perhaps it is in the realm of the imagery that guides us to this point that matters more than the actual point itself. For if the path is wrong, so too will the point be wrong and getting to the point without a path won't happen as every point arrived at is done so via a journey.
The other thing that I have noticed is that I tire of all the debates that occur in theistic faiths. I suppose the same has been done and even is done in non-theistic faiths (Daoism vs. Confucianism, for example), but the fighting over picayune details and the divisions that have occurred in Christianity (though Islam, Judaism and any other theism is not exempt from the same thing) over these details reminds me of what the Dao says about names. As soon as things splinter and are given names, we should stop as it will only get worse.
I am a Daoist at heart in the sense that I realize the limitations and trappings (and idolatry, if you will) of names, label, ideas and concepts. Ultimately we are fighting over the words, not what they mean. We are fighting over the flower or surface and not the fruit or substance (DDJ 38).
I'm sure there are Biblical injunctions to the same effect but can't recall any at the moment.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Kingdom of God within us?
This is the favorite verse for those folks who don't go to church or attend anything bearing resemblance to "organized religion." It is the proof-text that we have the divine spark, that we don't need religion. It is the proof-text of the folks whose books are categorized under New Age and who frequently show up on the talk-show circuit (and best seller list) when they speak about Jesus.
Most recently I heard it quoted from the pulpit at the church we attend which caught me by surprise because this is not what the text is saying. Our pastor had noted that when we accept Christ the kingdom is within us. Yet this verse was given before Jesus died. There was no Christianity, no accepting Christ into our hearts, no Christ in us. No, he was still alive. Therefore, this doesn't make sense.
"...nor will they say, 'Look, here {it is!}' or, 'There {it is!}' For behold, the kingdom of God is in your midst." (NASB)
"...nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There!' for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of (or within or within your grasp) you." (ESV)
Even the NLT, quite transparent in projecting interpretation as translation, renders this as among.
The term is entos, used only one other time, in Matthew 23:26, where it is translated as "inside." It can mean inside, within or interior and is used as such in the Septuagint. The word in Luke 17:21 could thus be translated as "within" but the key is to look at it in its proper context. Is it "within" in an individual sense or could it mean "within" in a more collective sense, i.e. "among"?
Look at the passage preceding it:
"Now having been questioned by the Pharisees as to when the kingdom of God was coming, He answered them and said, "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed..." (v 20)
This passage is speaking of time, not location or position. When was the kingdom coming; what will be its signs? This refers to TIME. Jesus is simply saying, it is already present, not now, not later, neither here nor there. It is among you, it is right here, right now, though not completely. It is the now/not yet tension so present in the New Testament.
If Jesus is saying that it is already in us, then we have the divine spark and Jesus merely ignites that spark. There is no need for a new nature, no need for what he was about to do.
I think Luke is saying that we can experience, we can taste, the kingdom of God right now. It is here, among us, and access is available if we come to it with the faith of a child. But Luke is not saying it is inside of us as if it were our birthright. Luke's Gospel is quite pragmatic. When do we see the kingomd of God?
"...and heal those in it who are sick, and say to them, 'The kingdom of God has come near to you.'" (Luke 10:9, NASB)
"But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." (Luk 10:20, NASB)
The "kingdom of God" that is hoped for in the future will have no sickness, no death, no sorrow, no pain. This power is available now. Christ is the harbinger of that sought out future kingdom and it is available in power right now.
It is among us.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
The Dao and Christianity: Compatible?
The closest parallel to this notion is the idea that there is a way "that seems good to man but its end is the way of death" (Prov 14:12, 16:25). As Wisdom the two share kinship.
Monday, July 16, 2007
The wordless teaching...
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Love in the Dao?
Guard them and keep them safe:
The first is Love.
The second is, Never too much.
The third is, Never be first in the world." (67, Yutang translation)
Other translations speak of compassion, rather than filial love, though this is merely another angle of the meaning of the term. Mothers have compassion on their children, no matter what they do.
"Through Love, one has no fear..."
"For love is victorious in attack."
How? Becuase they are other focused. The common people's hearts and minds are that of the person of the Dao. So too in warfare. Not the attacker, not the initiator of warfare, merely the one in defense. It is in the yielding where victory comes as by yielding one's self, the Dao may be made manifest and the "other" may come to realization on his own.
"The best of men is like water;
Water benefits all things
And does not compete with them.
It dwells in (the lowly) places that all disdain --
Wherein it comes near to Dao." (8)
"The softest substance of the world
Goes through the hardest." (43)
A solitary drip of water will, over time, penetrate and break down a solid rock.
"There is nothing weaker than water
But none is superior to it in overcoming the hard.
For which there is no substitute.
That weakness overcomes strength
And gentleness overcomes rigidity,
No one does not know;
No one can put it into practice" (78)
And thus the paradox. Even Jesus speaks the same idea. And yet look at how difficult it is for men to lay aside the lust for power. But those who have used this approach have overturned empires, bringing those in power to their knees without the assertion of power in return.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Reversion is the action of the Dao...
"Rule a kingdom by the Normal.
Fight a battle by (abormal) tactics of surprise.
Win the world by doing nothing." (57)
Reading this I realized that fighting a battle is a concession. In other words, the idea of fighting a battle using tactics of surprise (what some call 'deceit') is not glorified as a command. The Normal is to rule a kingdom by by doing nothing.
"I do nothing and the people are reformed of themselves."
In other words, it is by moral influence (i.e. wu wei) that people are transformed.
The word for 'tactics of surprise' is ch'i, the same word translated as 'cunning' later in this passage:
"The more skills of technique,
The more cunning things are produced."
So in a state of warfare, things are abnormal and thus abnormal techniques are to be used. Chapter 30 breaks down the use of force quite succinctly. Force, weapons and soldiers are bad. However, they are sometimes a "regrettable necessity" (30). When soldiers are used the "best policy is calm restraint" (30). The goal is not territory, not power, not anything other than things returning to Normal. So the ruler/general must effect his purpose but that is all.
In conjunction with Chapter 69 it is quite clear that the use of force, though shunned, is for self defence only.
"I dare not to be the first to invade, but rather to be invaded.
Dare not press forward an inch, but rather retreat a foot." (69)
Yutang calls Chapter 60 'Camouflage' which is quite appropriate. This is not calling for passivitiy.
"There is no greater catastrophe than to underestimate the enemy." (69)
The call is for humility, not boasting, not aggression, not selfish motives. In keeping with the spirit of the Dao, by not contending, no one is able to contend. It is by displaying this humility, by yielding (which is not the same as surrendering or giving in), that one "wins" a conflict.
When an agressor attacks by displaying this yielding it tempers the desire of the enemy. When one fights back aggressively, the two energies feed on one another and a battle for power ensues.
Though there is a hint of Christianese in his translation of verse 67, it is quite fitting. The love here is not the same as the Biblical idea of love but is the love a mother has toward her children, a filial love. In that sense, there is a hint of affection of Heaven toward her children. And it is this that is passed on to others.
"If one forsakes love and fearlessness,
forsakes restraint and reserve power,
forsakes following behind and rushes in front,
He is doomed!
For love if victorious in attack,
And invulnerable in defense.
Heaven arms with love
Those it would not see destroyed." (67)
I fell into the stream of the Dao sometime in the early 90s. Here I am, over a decade letter, still captivated.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Closet Muslim?
With all of the atrocities being committed proudly in the name of Islam, why would anyone even consider converting? Why is it that Western converts frequently become anti-Western? Was it already present and thus a factor toward conversion? Or does it develop? I can't tell you how many websites I've visited of converts to Islam whose rhetoric becomes a diatribe about the West and its evils. They do not seem to be happy people.
So what is the hold Islam has over me? Well, Christian theology for one. And I'm not even talking about the cross of Christ. No, I'm talking about the theology derived from it. It divides. Some say this is a good thing, the wheat from the chaff. But how many denominations are there? How many heresies have there been throughout the history of the church and how many are there today? We spend more time fighting over doctrine than doing what Jesus said to do. That is my issue. I guess it's what human beings do. We like to know we are right.
So Islam's claim of the Oneness of God is appealing. The claim that all religions have strayed from the original Primal teaching is also appealing, especially considering my experiences with Daoism. The God-man thing makes Jesus sound like a supehero, a cartoon character. To promote this as the main message of the Gospel is something I cannot do.
Yet I cannot convert to Islam as it does not address the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. It denies it certainly. But by default, not directly. And, as such, the traditions of Islam are filled with fantastical, and ridiculous, stories of what happened. No, in order to become a Muslim I would have to deny the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. For whatever this means and however it is understood and interpreted, there is no way to do this without acknowledging the entire thing as a myth.
Islam just seems to me to be a very natural, very human, very fluid religion. Too much so. And that is the problem. You can create your own Muhammad, create your own Islam. You just can't tell anyone. So for whatever "islam" I hold in my heart, it is mine. And there will be no declaration of faith as I cannot deny what the Bible says about Jesus.
I may question what men say the Bible says but to deny the Biblical record wholesale? I don't think so.
Saturday, July 7, 2007
The Dao of distraction...
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Ok, so I was feeling sorry for myself yesterday...
Now, without being centered (however you understand that), total focus on others can in itself be a selfish act, whether it is being done out of lack (and thus with expectation, no matter how subtle, of benefit) or with the motive of achievement. In other words, it really isn't about the other as the other is but a mean to an end and that end is self.
No, this other centeredness must emanate from a center and that center must be free of self. Only then does it work. Only then can you expand outwards towards other free of the pollution of selfish motives and, in return, receive back, without expectation but by a natural process, the true self.
Without getting all New Agey, Christ is the center and we reflect Christ to others; in return, by interacting with others, Christ is reflected back to us (our perception determining how this is seen). We are but mirrors for Christ. The "true" us is Christ. As Paul says, it is no longer "I" but Christ living in me. In this sense, the more Christ is in us the more "I" am Christ.
So, as usually happens, when we let it, God once again shows me up. Which is good. That means I was not too far out of alignment. A little corrective, a little forgiveness and a little humility and growth can once again occur.
Yes, loss of hope is really a failure to be grateful.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Bad day...
I got jacked up at the plasma center today.

(This photo was taken several days later but it gives a good idea of why I had to wear long sleeve shirts in the middle of summer...)
Put a hole in my vein, bled out around the needle, now, ten hours later, my arm is beginning to look blue. They stuck my other arm...nothing. Two hours, one waiting, one being prodded like a corpse, and ten bucks is what I get, five dollars for each stick. Unbelievable. And I probably won't be able to donate this week 'cause my arm is jacked up. I realized today what it feels like to be a commodity. Wow. It's bad enough I sell my blood for oil but just what this means became clear today.
It started with some dipshit cutting in line in front of me. No apologies, nothing, just stepped right up. It happens all the time, people whose lives are such that this is their assertion of power. So I let him. But it rattled me. It started me off. And of course when I was getting stuck he was in the bed right in front of me so I could look right at him.
And the very fact that I am stating this, looking at it, realizing just what my situation is, it saddens me deeply. How did I get here? How is it that this is somehow ok?
But I exercised damn it. I iced my arm for several hours, put a hot towel on it to try and bleed it out and I worked my back and biceps today. Kiss my ass, jackin' me up like that. Sorry I'm not too expressive today, profanity a substitute for some anger convoluted through poetics. I'm pissed. And tired. And I feel like I'm disappearing, like I could just vanish.
It's not even that no one would notice. I would just be gone. I'm partially there. Maybe what I really desire is that it just happen that way so I can be done with it. I'm basically a sponge, a consumer, taking, taking, taking. What do I contribute? Obviously nothing as my circle of influence is pretty small. Aloof, bored, arrogant. This is how I appear. And maybe this is who I am.
Everything seems stupid, in a pointless, futile kind of way, not in a way that I know so much better. Because I don't. But I am failing today to see the point.
I have no joy at the moment. Even my love for music fails to move me. It all seems boring. Have I lost faith? Have I no love? Is this what it means to lose hope? And it isn't because of the plasma incident. No, it goes much deeper than that. It's been coming on for years and I feel completely helpless to stop it.
It feels as if I am dying, slowly, rotting from the inside out. It will be a long time before my body catches up to how I actually feel inside. It's horrible to say these thing because from appearances, I've got it good. Good health, healthy family, a job (well, blood for oil), a roof over my head, food in my belly, reliable transportation, a right mind and relative freedom (except that irritating suburban groupthink thing).
And yet...
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
My last thoughts before going under the knife...
I've always asked questions, watched them when they stick me with the needle, always wanting to know what's going on (or in). So I was quite aware and present when they put the sleeping solution in. I was quite aware of the feeling that I was going under, the heaviness, the loss of motor functions. It's quite a cool feeling. I kept repeating, "I'm about outta here, huh?"
Anyhow, my last thoughts/words were "Thank you, Jesus." It was a warm, peaceful feeling, quite comforting.
I really do hope that what we are taught to and come to believe is true in the end. I really do hope someday to meet him and see the truth, knowing even as we are now known.
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Headz...the file sharing debate...
Next on the playlist was the Headz compliation from Mo' Wax records from the mid-90s. This thing is long out of print on CD and command upwards of $100 to obtain. I happened across it online and have this volume as well as Headz 2A (currently listed at amazon for $158) and 2B (not listed at amazon). Both 2A and 2B are being listed on ebay at the moment, 4 LPs each for a total of 8 LPs. Bidding is at $30. If I were to pay this price for any of these, I couldn't bear to listen to them because they cost so damn much money.
So I downloaded all three comps. Respect to the musicians and the record label. Reality check. The record label and musicians will never see another penny out of out of print merchandise. The only ones profiting on these now are the owners and ebay. The sad truth is I do not feel any remorse for downloading these.
In fact, had I not downloaded these I may never have discovered some of the artists on the package and sought out their other work, some of which I've actually paid money to obtain though obtaining them used, the artist/label won't see a dime of my money.
But I enjoy the music. It's some of the finest I've heard in a long time, especially in today's musically sanitized bubble filled with corporately cloned imitation of music. It's a throwback to the time when the beat actually meant something. So I rave about the compilations and, more significantly, the musicians.
So in terms of file sharing. It's no different than swapping vinyl as a teenager in the 80s or sharing cassettes or copying an LP onto cassette for a friend. It's just that as technology has changed and become more efficient, the methods of copying and sharing has also gotten more efficient. The Internet has merely taken what has been a rite of passage and put it on an infinitely greater scale. Now the little that the record companies lost by friends trading tapes has increased to a worldwide market of individuals on an anonymous scale.
Everything in this day and age is exaggerated. File sharing is no different. And I avoid Morpheus, Limewire and the rest like the plague. It's easy pickin' for lawsuit hungry record company lawyers. There are other means of downloading that avoid this route altogether.
So I agree, support your favorite artists. If at all possible, go see their show (though, again $50 and up for a ticket is about a day or more's wage for most fans). Buy their merchandise, hopefull from their own site, if available, where they may reap the most benefit. The day is coming when the means of distribution will no longer be in the hands of the few but will, for the savvy musician, be in the musician's own hand to distribute as seen fit.
My personal favorite idea is this: if you download some music, send the musician/band a check directly.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Why am I not a Muslim?
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Surah 4:157 (Part II)
Surah 4:157 (Part I)
What happened on the cross?
But it hit me in church today that what happened on the cross was the door shut when Jesus died. That open door to heaven, that immediate access to God through Jesus closed when his heart stop beating. That was the darkness spoken of in the Gospel accounts. God was still in the world as there is nowhere He is not but what happened there on Calvary is that intimacy, that intensity, of God present in full through the fleshly being of Jesus was gone.
God was intimately present in Genesis. Over time, as the Biblical writings attest, God is more and more distant from His people. Yet the Second Temple period is not silent; the "400 years of silence" of which Christian tradition speaks is a myth. No, the literature of this period of time is immense. The Nag Hammadi caves attest to this. So they were looking, seeking, asking, writing amidst the continuous confusion their lands being swarmed with invaders, from the Babylonians to the Greeks to the Romans, a whirlwind in which the Jewish homeland was caught.
So he was sought in a Book, in the Word, both in the Hebrew writings and the Greek philosophy that had made such inroads. And here comes the Christian claim that God Himself was found not in a book, not in philosophy, but in a person. God, in fullness, dwelling in and through Christ. It was if you could look into Jesus and, seeing through him, see God.
This was what was closed when he died on the cross. The stories of him lived, books about him were written and the Holy Spirit is ever present within the hearts of believers making Jesus very real and very present in their lives. But these are growing pains, both of the individual who accepts this call, and that of the world as a whole made up of the individuals who accept the challenge to follow him and make him real in the world.
But on the cross that door was closed. To those who witnessed it they sensed that communion with God has been broken, that there was a rift in the universe.
And then there is the resurrection. Jesus, no longer entangled in the likeness of men, is free from the fetters of death. He is the resurrection; he is the new life; he is the firstborn from the dead; he is the Alpha and the Omega point of this new creation, restoring the original creation that men had lost.
He has opened us a new door into the heavenlies, having entered the Holy of Holies, his life, his sacrifice, his blood, the completion and perfection of all that the Law desired to do in men. There was nothing left for men to do; he had accomplished all that men could ever hope to achieve, all that men longed for in the deepest parts of their bowels. He is now priest, king, lord, all of those titles given to lesser men as "types" of what Jesus was to become.
So God did not die on the cross. Jesus died on the cross.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Ever have the feeling...
I've studied comparative religions for many years. Even have a degree to prove it. It seemed, at the time, that was my calling, to go off to grad school, to get a degree, and become a professor. But I wasn't some young pup with no commitments. At the time (as now) I had a family, a house and bills, bills, bills. Not exactly easy to pick up and head off to grad school. Didn't happen. Not happening now.
And yet the studies continue.
So what is my purpose? As my wife's father, a wise country minister from Jamaica says, I'm backed up. If I don't let it out, I get backed up, to put it politely. Yet in my approach to teaching/discussing these things, I often hear the term "on the fence" used in a derogatory sense. Have I not committed to anything? Or is my lack of commitment my only commitment? I've heard this used as well, especially with the "lukewarm" tag applied to it.
Am I delusional to think that I have some "higher" calling? Or is my fate to sit here on a Saturday morning, listening to Boozoo Bajou, drinking my 60 cent Frappio beverage with its 288 milligrams of caffeine, writing a blog that might be read by someone out in the anonymous compuniverse? Is this what I am reduced to? Is this enough? What is it that I want?
Well, I am in between. I am a Christian, certainly, because of Jesus, not because of the Church's theology to which I cling loosely, the proverbial finger pointing at the moon, to use a Zen/Daoist metaphor. And yet I am fascinated by Islam. So I am this Chrislamist with Daoist leanings. I am a mutt. I can distinguish between the various layers of this belief but from the outside I must appear confused. Or insane. Sigh...
My truth?
Music. It is the embodiment of the human experience, encapsulating the movement of history and the voices that carry it.
Jesus. The perfect human being, both repository and mirror of the perfection of our humanity, us and yet not us.
Daoism. No finer philosophy to explain the human conundrum.
Islam. In the sense of submission to One God.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13)
Of course we can argue that philo, the Greek word for 'friends', is better rendered as 'brother' and is thus used in the context of fellow believers which thus makes this command very particular. However, if we stretch the definition of 'brother' to be that of the human race, it validates the point. Love is to be completely selfless and, more accurately, to be actively desiring nothing but completeness, telios, for all fellow human beings.
"Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.
Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love [is] the fulfilling of the law." (Romans 13:8, 10)
"For all the law is fulfilled in one word, [even] in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself." (Galatians 5:14)
"If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well..." (James 2:8)
Monday, June 11, 2007
I have come to the conclusion that the only position we can really hold is this dramatic tension. Jesus is in such a position, based on the writings we have about him, that he sits in between. Mediator, yes. But the nature of the writings are such that we can't exactly pinpoint who he is. Just when we think we have him figured out, he shifts on us and appears to be something else. No matter where we are in our life, in our thoughts, in our hearts, we find that he is present. No matter how low or how high, he is there. So we can't nail him down, no pun intended. He is elusive, shifty, yet in the same breath very Real.
One Scripture seems to indicate he is God yet in the same breath another one says he is a man. The phrase thrown out by apologists that if he is "just" a man is bait for a preplanned retort. I don't know of anyone who think he is "just" a man, as if he were somehow ordinary, average, no different than of us as this would do little to explain how it is that his name has been passed on for 2,000 years. Even those who refuse calling him God do not believe his humanity somehow lessens his status.
So the Church formulates a God-man. While it can stimulate the intellect and lead to mental gymnastics bar none, in the end he sounds like Aquaman or Superman, Batman or Spiderman, quite comic bookish. The term gets thrown around as if we should hold our head up high over it.
The New Testament revelation, the Gospel, is that Jesus is the God-man?
I don't think so. I'm pretty sure that's not what is preached in the New Testament. I'm pretty sure this is not what the earliest Church Fathers preached. I'm pretty sure that the first Christians were not made because of this idea.
It can obviously be argued that this is a conclusion to be drawn but it is not the essence, the essential, of the faith. If it was there would be no new Christians until they believed this to be true. No, people are not asked this prior to accepting Christ. People are asked to recognize that they are sinful, separated, cut off from God and that through Christ's death, burial and resurrection, this connection can be reestablished as it was in the beginning, thus being born again, i.e. "from above."
Everything else stems from here.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
I don't get it...
When altar call came I went along because I didn't feel like being the only one sitting there. Poor motivation? Sure. Hasn't everyone done this? Why do we go to the altar week after week? The whole "if you..." question always posited before altar call backs you into a corner, as if by not going to the altar you are somehow not the answer in the "if" question.
Something was missing today. Maybe it was sleep.
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Jesus Camp
The pledge of allegiance in church? A pledge to a Christian flag? Creepy. The emergence of an army of Christian soliders seeking nothing short of a theocracy really is frightening.
Anyhow, they are certainly not shown in an unfavorable light and were obviously given full access to the lives of these individuals. This is what they believe and they believe their children need to be taught in the right way. We may disagree with them forcing creationism upon them but it is their right. We may view these children as being brainwashed. I mean, at eleven years old, how horrible is your life that you cry tears of such anguish and pain for your sins? Where did they learn this? Are they really convicted or is it fear mongering? No easy answers there.
But I came away truly feeling for these individuals and their beliefs, especially the founder of the Jesus Camp. She is a sweet woman who is passionate about what she believes, though it is clear she has her own issues. I sense in her a passion for her calling but couldn't help but feel that there is also a loneliness in her unaddressed. Or perhaps it was just the camera angles.
The thing that sinks, or confirms, the film is Ted Haggard. There is an irony in his inclusion here, I suppose, in his mocking tone while preaching about the same subject matter in which he found himself scandalized. It's hard not to look at him and think about that.
Overall it is a sympathetic portrayal. Not all Christians are like this and not all fundamentalists are like this. They may share some, or even most, of these beliefs, but this is only a small subset of a very dynamic culture so it is certain stereotypes will abound. But it is a thought provoking film, disturbing on some levels, quite moving on other levels.
But I know these people. I am in their midst and yet I am not one of them. I am not sold out, not so much on Jesus, as much as I am quite aware of what can only be described as a culture that operates under the banner of his name and seek to limit my association with it. I am, in fact, one of the ones that one of the young evangelists mocks and claims is "dead". Sigh...
Taste and see...
I enjoy tasting and seeing. What goals do I have other than to experience? Is it the rush, the buzz, the fix? Or am I really learning anything? If so, what? And what do I do with it? What good is all this experience if it remains locked up inside, feeding on itself like a cancer?
The Beach Body you've always wanted...
Common sense should dictate what to do: eat right and move.
The thing that caught my attention was that the basis of this program was the pull up, the majority of the exercises rooted in the body's weight. I had no idea what to expect; it just looked intense (and pull ups look really cool).
So here it is:
- one hour a day three days a week doing strength training - chest, back, shoulders, arms and legs - with with an extra fifteen minutes afterwards doing a killer ab routine
- plyometrics (jump training) one day a week
- yoga one day a week and
- kenpo (a cardio kickboxing kind of thing) one day a week.
Three weeks of one set of strength training exercises, followed by a "rest" week of yoga, plyo and kenpo only, followed by three weeks of a different set of strength training exercises (a concept called "muscle confusion"), another "rest" week and four weeks, rotating the two varieties of strength training each week, followed by a final "rest" week for a total of 13 weeks or 90 days (thus P90X).
We are as of today just finishing week nine. I am in the best shape of my life. I have a history of weight training. Throughout most of my twenties I maintained a fairly vigorous weightlifting routine and was in good shape. But nothing like this. I can honestly say I've never felt so good. I can touch my toes for the first time in my life with ease, I can touch my heels to the ground during downward dog and the chronic pain I've had in my scapula for as long as I can remember has vanished.
A certain level of fitness is required to even consider beginning this routine. It's not for the weak or faint of heart. Without familiarity with intense physical exercise and the mental discipline required to remain intensely physical, it would be quite easy to give this up. An hour a day of intense physical exercise is both physically and mentally challenging.
My mental state has improved, my buried anger has surfaced and is being dealt with, partially through the release of the toxins anger harbors and I am physically fit. I don't care about so much about having a "beach body" (the title of the post is tongue in cheek) but the feeling, the knowing, that my health is in a good state of being is quite a rush. Rather than be absorbed in the body and its pitiful state or the glorification of it, my mind is freed up to focus on other things (though remaining focus is something I haven't mastered yet, distraction and self-abuse my general mode of being).
This is truly one thing I look forward to each day, especially the yoga, definitely a meditative experience. Turn down the lights, block out the noise and go deep, the meshing of the body and mind a near religious experience.
I am currently up to nine pull ups. I'm about to hit ten. Not too shabby considering several weeks ago I was lucky to get two.
Get it.
Bring it.
Be a plasma donor...
Friday, June 8, 2007
My car...
Why does TBN scare me?
So I found a feature heading about 16,000 Muslims converting to Christianity and I start watching and notice it is from TBN. The channel creeps me out for some reason. From its horribly tacky decor, to its overdressed visitors, to the obligatory big hair of the wives and the slicked back grey hair of the hosts, to the overenthusiastic, cliche ridden blather that passes as dialogue, the audience appearing as if they are staged actors from late night infomercials, the whole thing is truly creepy.
I spent several years in a church where people watched TBN and praised it. I understand its appeal. I know what draws viewers to it. But something is fundamentally wrong with it. And I can never quite pinpoint it. But I know when I watch it. It is its own universe with its own language and its own dress code. I think that's what it is. It seems otherworldly. And I'm not talking in the sense of a replica of heaven. I hope heaven isn't this tacky. Blah.
Sure they are sincere, sure they are enthused and they may be speaking words of truth. But is this what is what someone would have to do in order to convert to the Christianity of which they speak? How do we separate the truth of the Christian message when it is so grossly packaged? Of course, that is my opinion. I may obviously be considered gross to someone else. Which reinforces the point.
How is the Truth separated from the package in which it is delivered?
In terms of the videos of Christians converting to Islam, these can be just as freaky. I can't help but notice that all of the converts begin to take on the same look, a beard that just won't come in, a certain glazed look in the eye as the talk into the camera. I recently found one where they had something of an altar call as people came up to accept Islam. They appeared before an entire congregation of Muslims, all shouting "Allahu Akbar" as the new recruits stepped forward to accept Islam. It was truly bizarre, nothing like my experience in a mosque when I had considered taking Shahadah. It's supposed to be a deeply personal, private thing, not a public event. Could it be that even Islam, so subdued and intensely personal, is falling prey to the cult of entertainment?
There is some weird stuff out there in conversion country. If either one of these represent what is in store for the convert, no wonder there is a militant atheist movement afoot.