Sunday, August 28, 2011

Home schooling the equivalent of Islamic madrassas?

Rousas John Rushdoony, credited as the father of Christian Reconstructionism (a term that should scare the be-Jesus out of you) wrote that interracial marriage [is] "unequal yoking" [and] should be made illegal. He also opposed "enforced integration", referred to Southern slavery as "benevolent", and said that "some people are by nature slaves". (Source)

Ah, yes, the good ol' days of America. I would be in jail.

It gets better (don't miss the appropriately intoned sarcasm there...).

According to Right Wing Watch, John Eidsmoe, Michele Bachmann's mentor at Oral Roberts University, quotes Rushdoony in his book God and Caesar:

"The world moreover cannot be surrendered to Satan. It is God s world and must be brought under God's law politically economically and in every other way possible."

Turns out he shares the Reconstructionist ideology as well as does, in turn, Bachmann and similar ilk. Granted, just because someone holds similar views thrice removed from the founder does not mean they share all the same views. However, there is a family tree that is troubling.

And let's forget some other signs that the apocalypse will be upon us soon.

Bachmann recently signed a pledge on marriage that states that a

"black child born into slavery in 1860 was more likely to be raised by his mother and father in a two-parent household than was an African American baby born after the election of the USA's first African American President."

Of course, the statement has since been removed. They have not denied that it was wrong; they removed it because it was controversial.

Here is the whole story.

Finally, let's not forget the story circulating that the Tea Party recently booted Eidsmoe from a recent rally because of his ties to White Supremacist groups.

According to Right Wing Watch:

Eidsmoe has spoken before the League of the South, tagged by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group because it believes slavery was ordained by God. He's also spoken at meetings of the Council of Conservative Citizens, which opposes racial integration; has compared Michael Jackson to an ape, referred to blacks as "a retrograde species of humanity," and says America should "remain European in character," according to the SPLC.

"Eidsmoe doesn't just flirt with white supremacists, he regularly speaks to them," said SPLC research director Heidi Beirich.

In his defense, as noted in a parenthetical in a recent New Yorker article, Eidsmoe states that he deeply despises racism and will speak to anyone.

However, I get the vibe that home schooling is indoctrination and is, in essence, akin to the madrassas in Afghanistan.

When I add up all the pieces I'm having a hard time seeing the difference between what's coming and Sharia law. Hopefully my math is wrong.

I may soften my tone a bit as I consult other sources to balance the "facts" quoted above; however, if my math is correct and the apocalypse does comes upon us, I believe I may just favor the latter.

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