Friday, November 7, 2008


I, for one, am a happy camper. The "mutt" majority has spoken. Obama is a mutt. The majority of this country is "mutt" as opposed to the other half which, by and large, looks, thinks and acts the same (think "red state"), a large percentage of these which would be the evangelical Christians so duped in the last election. Awfully quiet this year, this group. Good.

"Vote the Bible" in their language means only one issue matters. Doesn't matter that thousands of Iraqis, Afghanis and other innocents have been massacred. For some reason, their lives have less value than those of unborn babies. It isn't that one is greater than the other. That's the point. All lives have the same value. This amalgamation of Christianity and Americanism - that Americanity that is the true religion of the U.S. - is a dangerous thing.

Maybe, just maybe, Obama's election will inspire others to think differently about our place in the world. Maybe we will realize that we are in fact only a part of the world, a highly symbolic one, certainly, but still a part - not the whole - of the world.

When talking about what kind of dog they would get (amazing the things that concern us, isn't it?), he mentioned the possibility of getting a mutt, like him. You go Obama! Speak for the rest of us.

An interesting commentary today about the potential of the re-emergence of thought in government, rather than the dumbass tone of the Bush administration, sparked my curiosity. It's encouraging that people may welcome intellectual rigor in making decisions.

A Government That Actually Thinks?

I voted for Obama. Gladly. Watched the elections from 7:00 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. Glady. Never once wavered, never once questioned, never once doubted. Do I think he can be the saviour of the world?

No. I'm not so naive. It's just that this election has shown that America is tired of the arrogance, the greed, the insanity, the bland whiteness of the way things have been for the past eight years.

Obama represents what America is.

Bush & Co. represent what America was.

Obama simply gives a face to the previously silent majority. The mutts have spoken. I remain something I have not felt about our representative government in eight years - hopeful.

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