Friday, November 7, 2008

The car situation - update...

Two new(er) cars. Purchased a 2003 Toyota Camry with 60,000 miles on it. Probably paid way too much money for it but we're hoping to drive it forever, basically. Pay it off, own it.

Still have the Tercel. Had to replace the muffler over the summer. Hit some pretty big roadkill, ripped the exhaust off from the manifold. Had to fork over $350 to fix the whole system. Good thing as it got louder as it continues to lose compression. Have to put it in idle at traffic lights or it stalls. Can't go above 55 mph without fear of the thing blowing up. No radio at all.

I can get $100 to scrap it out. A few months back it would have netted $200.

The good news is that, through familial vehicular attrition, I am in receipt of a 1997 Dodge Dakota pickup truck. It's a beast, with big ass tires and an NRA bumper sticker to boot. 101,000 miles. 12-15 mpg. There's irony in this somewhere. But I am truly grateful as breathing exhaust fumes every day in the Tercel probably wasn't so good for my health.

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