Thursday, March 11, 2021

Sultans and Sneakers - The Spiritual Mutt Interview

About a year ago, a comment was dropped into one of my posts. Unfortunately, I didn't see it until around December. It was an inquiry into my blog and I was asked if I'd be interested in joining a video podcast to discuss my journey through Islam and where I'm at today.

I was first astonished that someone had actually read my posts with that level of interest. I think we start out blogging with the hopes that someone will relate, that we'll touch someone or that in some way we'll be validated. As time rolls on, most of us never realize this and our blogs get buried in the millions of other blogs out there.

So I was at once humbled and thrilled. Super cool guy, very knowledgeable, very gracious, and, like me, very inquisitive. He's a Muslim and his blog is called "Sneakers and Sultans" and features a wide away of interviews. He's also an Ohio guy with a background in manufacturing. 

I highly recommend the site.

For those interested, here's the interview with me: 


  1. Wonderful podcast! Great to see people from completely different backgrounds chewing the fat over all things spiritual without resorting to hostilities.The world could sure do with more of it.

  2. Wonderful podcast Art!

    Always lovely to see people from completely different backgrounds, coming together and chewing the fat over all things spiritual without resorting to hostilities.The world certainly could do with more of this 👌🏽👌🏽❤️
