Monday, September 16, 2019

Fumbling Toward Insolvency, The Terms Have Changed

Thanks for those who have offered up support and prayers. It really does make a difference.

A month goes by quickly! 

I ditched the 203K idea. Couldn't see rolling a mortgage that will be paid off within five years into a larger balance with the repairs into an interest rate that is nearly double my current mortgage. It didn't feel right and I put it on hold.

Within a week I stumbled across a review on Yelp for a local plumbing contractor and called. They did not do the work I needed but recommended someone who did. The company came out and quoted a bid that was half of what the other two had quoted. I almost fell out.

With a handshake we called it done. Still waiting for the work to be done but I've verified the company as my electric company has them on their recommended list. Even if it isn't the permanent fix, it will alleviate the situation from worsening.

Made a visit to our attorney in Detroit which led to a phone call with our local attorney and we may have found the removal for the blockage as it pertains to immigration. Will add details of this once the news is in.

At some point in the future, we'll put our journey into writing in an effort to help others with not only the process but the mental and emotional stress that it adds. 

Thanks again if you're following this story as it unfolds. As rough as it seems we are also abundantly blessed with a daughter and three beautiful grandchildren who add unfathomable joy (and chaos) to our lives. Can't imagine life otherwise. Plus, it's what keeps us goin

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