Friday, August 2, 2019

Fumbling Toward Insolvency (Part 6)

Came to understand why one of the lenders hasn't called me back.

We are pursuing a 203k loan through HUD to see if we can roll up all the repairs needed into a refinance option for the home and take out another 30 year loan at a reasonable interest rate rather than a set term with a much higher payment. 

The company seems to be the only one approved by HUD and it is based in a house outside of the main avenue of town. A little, uh, non-traditional but we're going to go with it to see where it leads.

Finally get a call back after last week's canceled appointment and come to find out the individual with whom we are to be working spent the weekend in jail after having been charged with a potential first degree finally involving alcohol, a police officer and a dog bite in the a**. Literally.

Is this a sign not to deal with them? 

Or was this individual removed and we'll get better service? 

The journey continues...

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