Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Fumbling Toward Insolvency, Continued

Talked with a financing company yesterday about a 203k option. I know nothing about this but the goal is to roll my mortgage payment into the entire repair bill for one loan with one monthly lump sum payment extended out as far as possible with the lowest interest rate possible.

Considering that my mortgage currently sits at 4% for the remainder of a 15 year loan I'm not sure this is advantageous, especially if the loan rate is upwards of 10%. It would all depend on the length of the loan and the total amount that will get paid over time.

This stuff gets complicated quickly.

Or do we use the equity line of credit sitting at a $0 balance currently just to get things underway with the eventual balance transfer to a 0% option (which is what we did roughly a year ago).

Can't tell you how many 0% balance transfers we've done over the years. While the 3 to 5% charge hurts it is far less painful than the monthly interest charges we'd otherwise incur.

Do we do the 0% same as cash for 18 months option in hopes that we can do a balance transfer (assuming enough of a credit line) before it expires and the interest is tacked on if not paid off?

And in the midst of this what will the immigration issue cost?

For that moment of gratefulness in the midst? We have not had to face this:


There is no gloating in this. During a heavy rain, the street in front of our house will flood. I've literally woken up in the morning to find cars stalled out in it.

I feel their pain and feel the weight of the concern every time it rains.

The journey continues...

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