Monday, August 6, 2018

Seeking To Believe

It dawned on me today that whenever I seek to understand another religious tradition or variant of my own it is usually because I am truly looking to believe it. In other words, convince me not as 'proof' that it is right in comparison to where I currently stand or in comparison to my own but seek to show me why you believe this on its own merits.

There is a subtle but significant difference in this approach. There is no ulterior motive to build up ammunition to attack. If I am sound in my own faith I will not be moved. If I am not, I will.

And, more importantly, if this leads to strengthening of my own faith or a conversion it ultimately should lead to respect and understanding. 

So as far as EO is concerned one sticking point (i.e. lack of understanding) is in regard to Mary as Theotokos. I've been hung up on the veneration of Mary and praying to Mary for intercession. I am, however, drawn to or curious about all the Mary statues I see in people's front yards. I'm drawn to asking homeowners why they are there and what the significance is of the effort to place a statue in front of the house. 

What I've come to understand is that the significance of venerating Mary is to prevent slippage back into the Nestorian heresy. That resonated with me as I have been immersed in this theology thing for quite some time now (have shifted attention now to the common belief that the cross did not finish the job and that Jesus' spirit had to go to hell, completely cut off from 'God' (aka the Father), to fight the devil and that after this he was 'born again' which at first glance sounds like a Nestorian understanding of his Whoness).

I wonder, however, did this aspect get lost over time and as there is a long distance from the pulpit to the pew does tor many, turn into worship or near worship of Mary for many?

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