Thursday, May 24, 2018


Sunday. Church. Love my church, really do. Made up of some awesome people. New pastor overseeing the whole enterprise and he's brought a fresh wind into the place.

So why do I feel like a fish out of water?  There is 'something' troubling me and I'm not quite sure what it is. Obviously, it's me. Is it the doctrine thing? Is that it? There is 'Jesus' preached from the pulpit and the 'Spirit' moves in the place but what does that actually mean?

Am I, as my father in law used to say, backed up and need to go to the bathroom? In other words, am I consuming only?

Or is it that I am still jaded that my beloved politicized Jesus this past election and I now know that it is made up of 'those' people who cannot separate faith, politics and country?

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