Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Web Of The Web

I often will start browsing the Web for one reason or other and it does not take me long to go down the rabbit hole of 'conspiracy theories' and sites where someone states as "the" truth what the vast majority are missing. Oftentimes, these sites are 'religious' or 'spiritual' in nature. I always start to read them, unless the graphics are bad or loud (for some reason, these sites always have terrible graphics), but it does not take me long to realize that the overly combative or self-assured nature of them cause my eyes to cross and my interest to rapidly wane. 

Irony, I suppose, as I am on the Web and quite possibly doing the same thing. I try and retain my sense of wonder and willingness to learn rather than holding fast to holding "the" truth, other than within my own understanding, that no one else has. It is for my gain, to make myself better, so that I in turn may try and make the lives of others just a little better.  

Freedom of speech, absolutely, yet freedom also to reject the same. 

The tolerant must be tolerant of the intolerant or they expose the deception of use of the idea of 'tolerant' as it is glamorized and glorified as a cardinal virtue.

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