Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Rumi - Again

So I'm doing a Beachbody yoga video and it's feeling a bit New-Agey but I'm trucking along trying to push past what my brain is telling me and in pops a "I read this great quote from Rumi" statement from the teacher and my interest in the video just vanishes. Quoting Rumi is fine and all but when it is done in the context of a Beachbody yoga class my awareness of the fact this is quoted out of any context - or, more realistically, within the context of what is in fact a luxury and outside of the original context of Rumi - I become irked. 

Working on it as this is my ego flaring up. Why can't I just let it go? People have been quoting things out of context for centuries. Some might argue the Bible quotes things from elsewhere and re-contextualizes them so who am I to say? Fair point.

My wife and I were watching a 'Christian' marriage videos and in pops a quote from H.P. Lovecraft. Seriously? They provide no context for the quote and just throw it in there. Perhaps behind the scenes they are fully aware of this quote's use and it was intentional but I'm not sure Lovecraft is exactly a purveyor of the views being espoused in the videos and I'm pretty sure that his views on race disqualify him as someone 

If there's one thing that drives me crazy it's authors and videos that just pull quotes at random to support views where in reality the quotes are often decontextualized or actually conflict (within context) with the overall views attempting to be supported.

I'm not saying not to read Lovecraft or not to watch such videos should a random quote appear, not at all. I'm saying that we must be wise and know our sources. 

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