Wednesday, November 29, 2017

It's All About You...

If it's all about Jesus, as the worship song says, what does that even mean? Does that mean we worship Jesus along as God? What of the Father? The Spirit? Is Jesus the Father, the Son and the Spirit? 

I can't quite put a finger on it but there is something 'missing' in a song such as this. Jesus is the focus, certainly, but the "all" we are to focus on? I'm not convinced that is the point of the Biblical revelation. Granted, it is a worship song and not a theological treatise and we could make the case that the 'all' being sung is really a reference to Jesus as the pivot, the focal point through Whom we enter into the worship of the Father, Son and Spirit.

Is Jesus the pre-existent Son? Or is that the Word speaking in and through, even as, Jesus? These questions matter for without clarity of understanding we know not what we worship and risk being moved by feelings, by emotions, by every wind of doctrine. 

It to me that as long as we are a people who use our minds, who reason, who question, who seek knowledge, we will find our way into theology. Rather than shun it we should embrace it because in the pursuit of understanding we may just find that we build a firm foundation even when it becomes more and more mysterious the more we know.

I've traveled the path of subordinationist theology from Irenaeus to Origen and the bifurcation of his thought via Arius and Athanasius and its apparent revival in evangelical circles. This tells me that the evangelical church has lots its historical moorings and is on the path of discovery; the danger is that in so doing they are thinking that somehow this is fresh terrain and a sign of the Holy Spirit working something objectively new.

Also covered some Christomonist/Christocentric theology and its connection to the Trinity. The danger here is that these becomes two 'poles' of thought (i.e. Trinity vs. Jesus) rather than understanding Jesus' role in taking us 'beyond Jesus' and into the perichoresis of the Trinity.

We cannot see God in His essence; but we see Jesus.

I am thoroughly fascinated, intoxicated, by this pursuit of trying to know but what has changed is that my life is not on hold until I know. In fact, it is the intertwining of life with this pursuit of knowledge that fuels one another. To be a true contemplative can be just as dangerous as living without knowledge.

Hide and seek, lost and found, the three in one, the yin and yang. Intoxicating, Maddening. But nothing else matters in the end. 

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