Thursday, August 4, 2011

Bull Riding for Jesus?

And we wonder why people think Christians are just a bit nuts, not because they believe in Jesus but because, well, we appear a bit nuts.

Bull Riding for Jesus

Maybe it's just me but I don't think that God gives a hoot about bull riding just as God doesn't give a hoot about who wins the Super Bowl.

So, rather than do the smart thing and avoid death, why not ask God to cover the rider because he consciously chooses to do something in which he may be killed:

"It's the world's most dangerous sport for a reason. You get on that bull, you have a good shot at dying," Schock said.

Kind of reminds me of the story of the Israelites receiving a word from God about not going to war and going ahead with it anyhow and then praying to God to show up and bless their venture. End result? Slaughter.

Rather than be persecuted, why not go into the lion's den or jump into the fire on our own volition?

Rather than bless our insanity, maybe God's will is that we stop bull riding altogether?

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