Sunday, August 29, 2010

What Is Up With Patriotism These Days?

As the most recent "rally" held by Glenn Beck shows, the idea of patriotism has become religious.  I'm not talking about a "Christian" or "Judeo-Christian" America.  No, I'm talking about America as a religion.  C. Eric Lincoln called it Americanity and he was prophetic in this regard.

America is the religion being preached; Christianity (in all its varieties) would thus fall under its banner.  Manifest Destiny or whatever its called means that the creation of America was God's purpose and Christiaity the means toward its creation.

It is really beginning to frighten me.  On the surface, "conservative" values are preached but if we are not careful we will contiue to see the emergence of a police state based not on laws but on ethics and "spiritual" values that have been legislated. 

And, just for the record, this stuff we see all over the headlines isn't news.  It is fast becoming (or perhaps it's too late) nothing more than tabloid entertainment.  Come to think of it, the National Inquirer won a prestigious award for busting Jon Edwards.  The line has been crossed.

Just my two cents...

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