Sunday, March 22, 2009

Another weird dream...

I had this really weird dream. I’m not sure how I got there but I was part of a tour group that I didn’t know. I had kinda tagged along. I had no passport even though I was out of the country. I ended up in Dubai. This isn’t totally hard to figure out as I had just seen an image of Dubai’s planned skyscraper. But the weird thing was that it was like a computerized image in my dream. As the image panned all over the prominent photo op of Dubai, everything was computer graphic. It was real but it was computerized, everything precise, perfect, symmetrical. As it panned up the tower, I got dizzy because of the computer trickery. And yet here I was on some cart going up, like a rollercoaster ride. As it went up and up and up it went faster and faster and faster. And as I looked I got dizzy. As it reached the top and began to slow, I saw a square structure on top and it was the headquarter of KFC. The “star” on top was the Golden Arches. And then the descent.

At the bottom we were at the airport. As I went to speak with the woman about not having my passport I noticed these two women talking to one another (and they didn’t seem to acknowledge me) but they struck me as Tibetan, with dark, almost leathery skin, quite lovely. And then there was an English speaking woman and I was able to get through with no passport by signing a credit card slip for 78 cents, autographing in the wrong spot. There was a space for what should have been a “tip” but it said “bet.” Then I signed in the right spot on the bottom and I was home free.

As I walked through the airport, I noticed everyone was of the same skin and realized that they weren’t Arab so they must have been from the surrounding mountain region working at the airport. And it made me sad. I noticed the Coca Cola coolers and all the other trinkets found in American gas stations. And then my alarm went off.

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