Saturday, April 26, 2008

Mountaintop dream...

It's been a long, long time since I've had a flying dream. I don't know that I've ever had a mountaintop dream but tonight I did, though I didn't quite reach the peak. I don't even know where I was. I started out where I live but I am nowhere near mountains. Yet as I ducked and dodged through some trees in a patch of woods, I came to an opening with a steep incline that required holding on to various trees to make my way up. As I moved up I had a spectacular glimpse of a mountain range, though I was still holding on to trees to view this and wasn't quite able to get to a flat spot to stand still.

And somewhere in the weirdness of my dreams I remember having the thought that two of the BeeGees died by falling from a mountaintop and, holding on to those trees, I looked down to see the jagged cliffs of the California Coast and understood how it happened so I tightened my grip.

But the view of that mountain range cause a flood of awe to flow through me, the residue of which lingered upon waking.

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