Saturday, March 29, 2008

Journal P90X


Began P90X program. A workout fiend in my mid to late 20s, I hadn't worked out in about seven years. I started a basic program of pull-ups, sit-ups and push-ups about two months prior to my wife getting P90X. I saw that the basics of it were what I had already been doing and decided to give it a whirl. An hour a day, six or seven days a week for 90 days. Bring it...


Day 3849 of my attempt at the Christian faith. I just stared a woman driver down who had been tailgating me and flipped her the bird. And she returned the gesture. At least I wasn't lukewarm. I've been alive 14,179 days.


I'm going through another Islam phase...


Still sinking...

Much silence for a few months. New position at work, big promotion, no longer donating plasma, changes in the household, the holidays...


Another 'vision'. Still struggling with the Trinity. In worship, my favorite song, How Great Is Our God, is playing (it always brings me to tears of surrender) and I'm focused though not necessarily "on" anything. Suddenly there is penetrating clarity. It is through Jesus we come to "see" God as Trinity. "Jesus" is the image, what we have to focus on. "But we see Jesus..." We can't see God. "But we see Jesus..." It is not "Jesus" that is the part of the Trinity as the name "Jesus" conjures up images but it is by focus on, or through, him that God is revealed to us.

So I "see" the Trinity not as "three" but one in which we understand it through three "ways" all rolled together, distinct yet not, depending on where we are. I "see" Jesus and all the images his names conjures up but sense, feel, know the Godhead that lies through, behind, beyond him.

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