I work in a factory. Yes, there are still some left in the United States. Actually, with all the focus on jobs not in the U.S. anymore we often forget that there are still many jobs left in manufacturing. Sadly, they generally don't pay a living wage unless it is a highly specialized skill. I am a hybrid of sorts. I was in Quality until the recession hit and I was moved back to running production presses in order to stay employed. The hands-on experience has added depth to the Quality process and provides a link between the two. Interstitial. Seems to be where I always end up. Create my own position.
Anyhow, over the past several months I have learned, perhaps surprisingly, just how many "religious" people there are in the plant. I don't mean loose reference to God or the Lord or Jesus Christ used as a cuss word. I mean people who truly have faith. This is deeply entrenched American spirituality and there is much ignorance in terms of faiths other than Christianity but these are people who have relationships with Jesus. I can think of five off the top of my head.
It is apparent, upon reflection, that their work ethics and overall attitude reflect this. It isn't the only sign of their faith but it makes their talk of faith shine more brightly. I have lately found it difficult to go to church and I'm not sure why. While the word preached satisfies a hunger and I enjoy fellowship with people, for some reason the rest of it feels like a social event. Not a bad thing, I suppose, but I tend so often to be "private" about my faith. I prefer to walk the walk and am prepared to discuss it should anyone wonder.
My goal is to be a light, to speak life and be encouraging to those I work with because in that environment it can be very hard to find. But I see what an effect it has from the top down. Two in upper management are people of faith and it is apparent in the way they address people as people and focus all aspects on the human element.
So the "high" spirituality I am so accustomed to has been replaced, if you will, with a more "earthy" variety. With an addictive personality there is a longing for the high that often accompanies spiritual pursuit. But how much of that is created, a form of self-medication and, perhaps, self delusion?
There is something deeply spiritual about work, about working with the hands. I am more at home on the factory floor than I've ever been in an office. I can do the office and I currently have one on the factory floor, the "fishbowl" it's called. It's something about the activity, the interaction of the people, the physical medium of the equipment building, breaking, being repaired, all with human hands, the creative process unfolding.
I do wonder, however, why it is that lately everyone of faith I know is so focused on the end times whenever matters of faith arise in discussion. Is that the default category, the common denominator among Christians?